"For I am not just one person". ....(A Love discovery of myself)
sometimes I feel like a part of me — the parts that connect to my art, my insight, empathy, and my noble thoughts and desires have lived through this life before.
“She” lived a full life in a certain lifetime, decided to reappear and fuse her spirit with the Gen-Z part of me; the part of me that sometimes wants to be vain, immature, and experience all forms of "love" and "intimacy". This is because the way I dress, how I choose to represent, and what makes me comfortable and relaxed doesn’t seem to originate from just one part of me.
Sometimes the Gen-Z side to me wants to participate in these "worldly affairs" but I end up feeling completely out of place, and when I try to be engaging in that space for a while , It feels like my mind leaves my body and steps out of that space just to observe.
Now that I have finally come to “acceptance” that I don’t completely fit in anywhere. The next step is figuring out how to let both sides of me come out to play, and how to let both sides shine brightly on their own terms (the old spirit in me and this Gen-Z body I am living in).
If I can find how to fuse these two part of myself, while still living with reckless abandon through both worlds — then I am ME.
for I’m not just a single person, and to suppress other parts of me is to kill Me.